42. Photographs

Image result for polaroid pictures aesthetic

Pictures or photographs are one thing that different people perceive different standpoints about. Some believe that pictures are as good as trash because people get busier in capturing the event rather than enjoying it while others are of the opinion that photographs are the most important during the occurrence of an event. I, belong to the latter group. For me, photographs are the thing which not only captures the event but also the mood and the moment. Quite funnily, I have a reputation of being addicted to Instagram. But tell me, why won’t I be? It is a platform that runs on photographs and I, being the picture crazy human being, I feel that’s the place where I can express all my perspectives and sentiments.

Different people like taking pictures of different things. For some, it’s the people that attracts them, some are interested in professional shoots, some in boudoir, some in nature and then there are people who simply either take pictures of every goddamn thing around them or click themselves. For me, every picture is beautiful. The series of blurry selfies that my mom sends me in order to learn how to send pictures through WhatsApp, the pictures with bizzare filters that my dad sends me in order to cheer me up, the pictures with weird angles of my sister’s face, the unusual picture of a subject clicked by some amateur photographer- each and every one of them has their own beauty.

I, for one, love taking pictures of the sky. Have you ever looked at the sky a multiple times in a day? If you have, you must have noticed that the sky is never the same. Each time I look at the sky I see a different tone, a different colour, a different hue, a different tinge. I feel like photographing each second of the sky because it changes. Every moment. Every second! Each time I have gone and sat at Marine Drive in the evening at around 5-5.30, the only thing I could focus on is the sky. And every time it has been spectacular. Also, it has a pattern of changing its colours on most of the days. It starts with a mixture of orange and yellow with a reddish tinge and then suddenly it’s bright enough to hurt your head. Then, slowly it changes to blue and purple and then finally it is a mixture of various eccentric shades like deep purple, deep pink, a little bit of mauve somewhere, a little of Prussian blue and then in an instant, it is dark and you can see the citylights lighting up on the other side. The lights of the highrises. Within an hour, it changes as if from the photograph of an aesthetic traveller to the photograph of a hippie who is out there searching for his daily dose of cocaine. It is as if a lover’s quarrel!

For me, photographs are an insignificant part of my life. They are a part of my sanity. Photographs are the proof that somewhere, someday, things were perfect. Even for a nanosecond. Even for a heartbeat! So, to all those, who do not like pictures and think that they destroy the moment…wait, till photographs are the only thing that remain!

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